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Version: v0.23.0

Debian 12/Ubuntu 24.04


This script is a stripped-down version of those found in the Proxmox Community Scripts repo. It has been adapted to work on baremetal Debian 12 or Ubuntu 24.04 installs only. Any other use is not supported and you use this script at your own risk.


  • Debian 12 (Buster) or
  • Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble Numbat)

The script will download and install all dependencies (except for Ollama), install Hoarder, do a basic configuration of Hoarder and Meilisearch (the search app used by Hoarder), and create and enable the systemd service files needed to run Hoarder on startup. Hoarder and Meilisearch are run in the context of their low-privilege user environments for more security.

The script functions as an update script in addition to an installer. See Updating.

1. Download the script from the Hoarder repository.


2. Run the script

This script must be run as root, or as a user with sudo privileges.

If this is a fresh install, then run the installer by using the following command:

bash install

3. Create an account/sign in!

Then visit http://localhost:3000 and you should be greated with the Sign In page.


This script must be run as root, or as a user with sudo privileges.

If Hoarder has previously been installed using this script, then run the updater like so:

 bash update

Services and Ports includes 4 services: meilisearch.service, hoarder-web.service, hoarder-workers.service, hoarder-browser.service.

  • meilisearch.service: Provides full-text search, Hoarder Workers service connects to it, uses port 7700 by default.

  • hoarder-web.service: Provides the hoarder web service, uses 3000 port by default.

  • hoarder-workers.service: Provides the hoarder workers service, no port.

  • hoarder-browser.service: Provides the headless browser service, uses 9222 port by default.

Configuration, ENV file, database locations

During installation, the script created a configuration file for meilisearch, an ENV file for Hoarder, and located config paths and database paths separate from the installation path of Hoarder, so as to allow for easier updating. Their names/locations are as follows:

  • /etc/meilisearch.toml - a basic configuration for meilisearch, that contains configs for the database location, disabling analytics, and using a master key, which prevents unauthorized connections.

  • /var/lib/meilisearch - Meilisearch DB location.

  • /etc/hoarder/hoarder.env - The Hoarder ENV file. Edit this file to configure Hoarder beyond the default. The web service and the workers service need to be restarted after editing this file:

    sudo systemctl restart hoarder-workers hoarder-web
  • /var/lib/hoarder - The Hoarder database location. If you delete the contents of this folder you will lose all your data.