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Version: v0.23.0


SqliteError: no such table: user

This usually means that there's something wrong with the database setup (more concretely, it means that the database is not initialized). This can be caused by multiple problems:

  1. Wiped DATA_DIR: Your DATA_DIR got wiped (or the backing storage dir changed). If you did this intentionally, restart the container so that it can re-initalize the database.
  2. Missing DATA_DIR: You're not using the default docker compose file, and you forgot to configure the DATA_DIR env var. This will result into the database getting set up in a different directory than the one used by the service.

Chrome Failed to Read DnsConfig

If you see this error in the logs of the chrome container, it's a benign error and you can safely ignore it. Whatever problems you're having, is unrelated to this error.

AI Tagging not working (when using OpenAI)

Check the logs of the container and this will usually tell you what's wrong. Common problems are:

  1. Typo in the env variable OPENAI_API_KEY name resulting into logs saying something like "skipping inference as it's not configured".
  2. You forgot to call docker compose up after configuring open ai.
  3. OpenAI requires pre-charging the account with credits before using it, otherwise you'll get an error like "insufficient funds".

AI Tagging not working (when using Ollama)

Check the logs of the container and this will usually tell you what's wrong. Common problems are:

  1. Typo in the env variable OLLAMA_BASE_URL name resulting into logs saying something like "skipping inference as it's not configured".
  2. You forgot to call docker compose up after configuring ollama.
  3. You didn't change the INFERENCE_TEXT_MODEL env variable, resulting into hoarder attempting to use gpt models with ollama which won't work.
  4. Ollama server is not reachable by the hoarder container. This can be caused by:
    1. Ollama server being in a different docker network than the hoarder container.
    2. You're using localhost as the OLLAMA_BASE_URL instead of the actual address of the ollama server. localhost points to the container itself, not the docker host. Check this stackoverflow answer to find how to correctly point to the docker host address instead.

Crawling not working

Check the logs of the container and this will usually tell you what's wrong. Common problems are:

  1. You changed the name of the chrome container but didn't change the BROWSER_WEB_URL env variable.