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Version: v0.23.0

Importing Bookmarks

Hoarder supports importing bookmarks using the Netscape HTML Format, Pocket's new CSV format & Omnivore's JSONs. Titles, tags and addition date will be preserved during the import. An automatically created list will contain all the imported bookmarks.


All the URLs in the bookmarks file will be added automatically, you will not be able to pick and choose which bookmarks to import!

Import from Chrome

  • Open Chrome and go to chrome://bookmarks
  • Click on the three dots on the top right corner and choose Export bookmarks
  • This will download an html file with all of your bookmarks.
  • To import the bookmark file, go to the settings and click "Import Bookmarks from HTML file".

Import from Firefox

  • Open Firefox and click on the menu button (☰) in the top right corner.
  • Navigate to Bookmarks > Manage bookmarks (or press Ctrl + Shift + O / Cmd + Shift + O to open the Bookmarks Library).
  • In the Bookmarks Library, click the Import and Backup button at the top. Select Export Bookmarks to HTML... to save your bookmarks as an HTML file.
  • To import a bookmark file, go back to the Import and Backup menu, then select Import Bookmarks from HTML... and choose your saved HTML file.

Import from Pocket

  • Go to the Pocket export page and follow the instructions to export your bookmarks.
  • Pocket after a couple of minutes will mail you a zip file with all the bookmarks.
  • Unzip the file and you'll get a CSV file.
  • To import the bookmark file, go to the settings and click "Import Bookmarks from Pocket export".

Import from Omnivore

  • Follow Omnivore's documentation to export your bookmarks.
  • This will give you a zip file with all your data.
  • The zip file contains a lot of JSONs in the format metadata_*.json. You can either import every JSON file manually, or merge the JSONs into a single JSON file and import that.
  • To merge the JSONs into a single JSON file, you can use the following command in the unzipped directory: jq -r '.[]' metadata_*.json | jq -s > omnivore.json and then import the omnivore.json file. You'll need to have the jq tool installed.

Import using the CLI


Importing bookmarks using the CLI requires some technical knowledge and might not be very straightforward for non-technical users. Don't hesitate to ask questions in github discussions or discord though.

If you can get your bookmarks in a text file with one link per line, you can use the following command to import them using the hoarder cli:

while IFS= read -r url; do
hoarder --api-key "<KEY>" --server-addr "<SERVER_ADDR>" bookmarks add --link "$url"
done < all_links.txt