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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

User Management

Lost password

If you are not an administrator

Administrators can reset the password of any user. Contact an administrator to reset the password for you.

  • Navigate to the Admin Settings page
  • Find the user in the Users List
  • In the Actions column, there is a button to reset the password
  • Enter a new password and press Reset
  • The new password is now set
  • If required, you can change your password again (so the admin does not know your password) in the User Settings

If you are an administrator

If you are an administrator and lost your password, you have to reset the password in the database.

To reset the password:

  • Acquire some kind of tools that helps you to connect to the database:
    • sqlite3 on Linux: run apt-get install sqlite3 (depending on your package manager)
    • e.g. dbeaver on Windows
  • Shut down hoarder
  • Connect to the db.db database, which is located in the data directory you have mounted to your docker container:
    • by e.g. running sqlite3 db.db (in your data directory)
    • or going through e.g. the dbeaver UI to locate the file in the data directory and connecting to it
  • Update the password in the database by running update user set password='$2a$10$5u40XUq/cD/TmLdCOyZ82ePENE6hpkbodJhsp7.e/BgZssUO5DDTa' where email='<YOUR_EMAIL_HERE>' (don't forget to put your email address into the command)
  • The new password for your user is now adminadmin.
  • Start hoarder again
  • Log in with your email address and the password adminadmin and change the password to whatever you want in the User Settings

Adding another administrator

By default, the first user to sign up gets promoted to administrator automatically.

In case you want to grant those permissions to another user:

  • Navigate to the Admin Settings page
  • Find the user in the Users List
  • In the Actions column, there is a button to change the Role
  • Change the Role to Admin
  • Press Change
  • The new administrator has to log out and log in again to get the new role assigned

Adding new users, when signups are disabled

Administrators can create new accounts any time:

  • Navigate to the Admin Settings page
  • Go to the Users List
  • Press the Create User Button.
  • Enter the information for the user
  • Press create
  • The new user can now log in